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Getting Comfortable with Discomfort: Is Your Leadership Baggage on Display?

How are you coping with the current global crisis and its effect on your business? Are you moving forward at a rewarding rate, or have things slowed down? Is your leadership style visibly changing the way you want it to, or are you still stuck with the same ole’ problems?

When small business operational standards change rapidly, it can get frustrating, because you must shift quickly and possibly change altogether.

This article is part of Effició’s executive series. In this blog series, we share the resources, tools, advice, and infrastructure changes you need to assess, invest, and shift your business. As we continue to experience changes, upheavals, and crises, this is a time to get comfortable with any discomfort you’re experiencing.


Even though you had plans, you may have been standing still without progress before the changes happened. You may have put in hours to develop new skills and change your business-leading habits, however, you never implemented them. There’s a crisis, however, you may be dealing with a huge amount of “leadership baggage” that is now on display because of the change, upheaval, and/or crisis.

In reality, maybe that comfort you thought you had was complacency.

I suspect that the current events caused you to arrive at a place where you’ve never been before. You’re “forced” to implement, act, change, invent, to move into a discomfort zone.

Embrace this journey that will challenge and push you to unbelievable places in the mind, body, and soul.

Move into the “Discomfort Zone” with comfort.

Effició’s leadership likes to explore, try new ways, do different things – but it’s natural for our culture.  For those of you who have a hard time getting out of your comfort zone, I recommend starting with baby steps even today.  Don’t tackle anything that will completely turn your world upside down, instead take this time to review your business model and target markets.  Do you need to implement drastic changes or just a few tweaks here and there? The goal is to “take the time” to read, review, and analyze before you act. You never know what you might find.

Take the’re not alone; a lot of people have this stumbling block even before our current global crisis.  You have to recognize your tendency to get in your little place where you are comfortable but unhappy.  And it shouldn’t take a crisis to push you to recognize it. By facing the discomfort or unhappiness, you may find out that your business operations, as they stand, are not going to grow your business or expand your growth as a leader; you have to take the time, you have to be open to new things, and you have to take the initiative and begin the process without any outside perspectives.

Move into “discomfort” with comfort. Embrace it!

Something to think about…

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© Effició, Inc.

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