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How a Solid Business Strategy Can Help You Minimize Business Risks

We often hear entrepreneurs say how fun owning a business is.  We also hear them say, “It’s a lot of work, but no pain no gain, right?”

Entrepreneurship, for some, is their passion, whereas, for others, it has become just another J-O-B.  And those with entrepreneurship in their blood feel they could do it forever.

But will they?

This article is part of Effició’s blueprint series. In this blog series, we share the resources, tools, advice, and infrastructure changes you need to get to the CORE of your business. As an executive, founder, or entrepreneur, you need to invest in your organization and yourself in order to have an aligned business for years to come.

There are a lot of entrepreneurs who are “flying by the seat of their pants.”  They’re trying to build a profitable cash-rich business without any structured entrepreneurial training or specific instructions.  Flying by the seat of your pants means you make things up as you go along – you are basically just winging it.

A successful business takes a certain amount of investment in time, energy, and creativity. Savvy entrepreneurship requires full engagement instead of just winging it.  Winging it is too costly in the long run.  If you aren’t planning for the long haul, it shows. You know it, your customers know it, and well, just about everyone you interact with for business purposes knows it.



Get Your Mindset Together.

We call this transmogrification!  It’s about changing into a strategic business leader.  Before you can do anything about any business situation you’re in, you have to have the right mindset.  You have to train your brain to think strategically no matter the decision no matter the business.  Thinking strategically and transmogrifying takes a willingness to become business intelligent and progressively proactive.

Build a Blueprint Not a Plan.

Too much planning can cripple your business.  Planning an integral part of business development.  The challenge is turning those plans and documents into a vehicle for execution.  That’s what a blueprint will do.  It lays out your plans in the right order so you can not only implement and execute, but you can adjust and revamp as necessary.  Start with a plan but end with a solid Strategic Blueprint.™

Engage in Intangible Activities Through Education.

In order to bring about tangible results, you have to embrace the intangibles of business development:  thinking, reading, writing, and counting.  It’s about increasing transferable skills that apply to entrepreneurship.  Skills can be learned in the classroom, from reading books, and many other creative ways.  As an entrepreneur, you must engage in a focused training program that provides information, education, and specific instructions on how to develop your business to the next level.  This means continuous education and training.

Build a Small Business System.™

Your business is the ultimate system.  You have to think about the full business development process.  Most entrepreneurs think their products and/or services are the most valuable thing in their business.  It’s not.  The most valuable thing in your business is the systems and processes that get your products and/or services to your comprehensive pre-qualified target market quickly, easily, and profitably.  In other words, have you identified a buying target market, are you able to reach them and are you able to convince them to buy your solutions?

If you find yourself in a situation where you are stalled or you keep winging it, it’s time to do something about it.

You don’t have to run your business blind.  FULL ENGAGEMENT starts with calculating your business risks instead of “flying by the seat of your pants.”  Calculating business risks takes focus, discipline, and strategic direction; it’s time to invest in full engagement.


© Effició, Inc.


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