Decide to Become Extraordinary, Effició #GTCB Podcast, Episode 102 with Sherese Duncan

Decide to create an extraordinary entrepreneurial career portfolio. One that is beyond what is ordinary or usual; it is highly exceptional and remarkable. This is not about being different or trying to acquire every credential imaginably. This is strictly about you and what you want as an ENTREPRENEUR and making the right decisions in the right mindset that allow you to move forward.

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Brief Show Notes:

The “help you with your business” market is thriving, and it’s also saturated and overwhelming. Everywhere you look information, tools, and resources are abundant.  You name it you can find it.  However, learning the bare bones, hardcore, nuts, and bolts of growing, and maturing a perpetual business, can become lost in the education jungle, and navigating the choices can be a lengthy process.

what do you do?
  1. Commit to being Outstanding.
  2. Throw away the “perfected” rule book.
  3. Develop a tolerance for the unusual.

Plus seven more! You can hear full details on the show…

You can delegate so many things, but the one thing you cannot delegate is RESPONSIBILITY.

Hold yourself accountable for failures and successes—completely, unselfishly, and publicly.  This is how you transcend the box and begin to realize the extraordinary.

Let’s dig deep.™

© Efficio, Inc.


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